Nova Scotia Seeks to Create Responsible Gambling Strategy

The Canadian province of Nova Scotia is in the process of developing a new responsible gaming strategy and is asking the general public for input.
A new website ( strategy) was created with the express purpose of gathering opinions that will aid the government in creating a responsible gambling strategy that will cover the next five years.
A new committee will be formed, headed by Ron L'Esperance (former provincial Tory), and consisting of numerous deputy ministers from across the political rainbow from areas such a health promotions, labor and finance.
The previous government had a responsible gambling strategy in place from 2005, but it failed to address one of the most important developments in the world of gambling - internet wagering.
The committee will examine the previous government's strategy and see how it can be improved on.
"We've opened up the website to allow everybody and anybody in Nova Scotia to have their say, to know who to contact," said the Minister of Finance, Graham Steele.
"We're interested in all points of view, it's part of the background to developing a good gaming strategy," he added.
A recent study on the effects of gambling had its draft shelved by the provincial government after it was presumed that the government was afraid of liability as a result.
The author of the study, Mark Anielski said: "If you somehow imply that here were six suicides due to problem gambling, there may be a liability challenge here."
"I can understand why people would be very nervous about this report coming out," he said.