eCOGRA Adds New Content to Website

The industry player protection and standards organization, eCOGRA, has made some important changes to its website, bringing a new look and more updated information to users' fingertips.
Besides industry related news bulletins, a press release media room and an email newsletter service, the updated website has also introduced new features that will make it very easy to navigate.
"Player protection remains our most important goal, especially when assisting the community to confirm which sites are approved eCOGRA Safe and Fair Sealholders," said Andrew Beveridge, the Chief Executive of eCOGRA.
"We have also improved player access, online complaint lodging and information on our independent dispute mediation service, where the Fair Gaming Advocate continues to assist players with any problems at accredited operators," he said.
An entire list of eCOGRA services have also been added to the site, which has only been updated once before in the seven years of the watchdog group's existence.
"Visitors will now find full details of business added-value services available from eCOGRA's professional staff of 12 chartered accountants, IT specialists and auditors," said Beveridge.
"These include the original Safe and Fair seal, the Certified Software Seal, independent payout and RNG reviews, Accredited Testing Agency Services, the Affiliate Trust Seal and the Reputable Portals Seal."
Around 145 online betting sites are currently accredited by eCOGRA, while 25 leading software providers use its services.