Watchdog Gives PlayNow Online Casino All Clear, the official gambling site of the BC Lottery Corporation, has been given the all clear by the province's privacy commissioner.
Elizabeth Denham launched an investigation into an incident last year, which saw visitors to the site able to play with other members' money.
This security glitch was discovered practically on the same day that launched in July 2010, causing it to shut down immediately.
Players suddenly found themselves logging into other people's accounts with access to their money in some cases.
Players were also able to view personal details of other members, including their banking information.
The BC Lottery Corporation shut down for a whole month while it investigated the problem and fixed the glitch.
At the same time, the privacy commissioner launched its own investigation.
This week, Denham said that her investigation revealed that when the site was first launched, there was inadequate protection of players' information.
However, that has changed now and the lottery corporation has taken the necessary steps to fix the problem.
Therefore, said Denham, the site can now be deemed secure.
BC Lottery Corporation acknowledged and accepted the recommendations made by Elizabeth Denham.