Canadian Gambling Growth Means More Jobs

The growth of the Canadian gambling market has directly resulted in an increase in job opportunities, according to an article published earlier this week in The Montreal Gazette.
According to the article, the Canadian Gaming Association has seen a higher demand for software developers due to the nation's growing online gambling industry, and leading gaming groups like Amaya and its newly acquired Chartwell Technology, are big employers of software developers.
Marketing director for Amaya Gaming Group, Tammy Schuiling was quoted as saying: "We're expanding exponentially right now. The industry is growing more competitive and there are more suppliers to the industry which is an exciting and profitable industry."
Schuiling added that the gaming market is undergoing rebranding at is grows, creating more Canadian gambling job opportunities, and that regulations that have been introduced in Canada and around the world in recent years have added to the industry's image and credibility.
The article also mentions Jamie Salmon, who develops online and mobile gaming software for Chartwell Technology, who explained how he felt challenged by his job because he was always learning something new.
Chartwell, which creates games for many of the world's top online casinos, employs over 60 people at its Calgary base, as well as another 10 in other countries. The company has undergone significant expansion of late, especially across North America.
Another trend that has emerged is that changes in gambling regulations around the world have led to a greater demand for specialized workers in the online gambling industry.
Gambling Adds Millions To Canada's Coffers
The Montreal Gazette story also focused on the advantages brought to Alberta by gambling, showing that the industry brings in $2.2 billion in labour income to the province and $3 billion in GDP (value-added).
Around 24,000 people are employed by the gaming industry in the one province alone, and almost double the number of people enjoy indirect employment from the industry.
These numbers are also mirrored in other Canadian provinces and it can safely be said that gambling contributes millions of dollars to the country's coffers.
Those who are interested in gaining employment in the growing Canadian online gambling field are advised to look for courses and internship programs that will help them find a job more easily in the future.
For example, Schuiling advised potential gaming employees to check out online and 3D animation courses as "it's the gaming industry where those skills sets are used."